On 09/11/10 18:27, tomjtx wrote:
> I finally took the plunge and ordered the Behringer DEQ2496.
> I have 4 connection questions:
> Do I have to use the same type of connection for the loop eg.
> toslink>toslink or can I go , eg. Coax to DEQ toslink back to TP?
> For an AES/EBU connection can I use any XLR terminated balanced
> cable(like my interconnects) or is their a special digital AES/EBU
> cable. (I don't mean "audiophile quality", I have at least learned
> something from you guys :-) ).
> And, finally, I seem to remember reading about early reflections in
> digital cabling and that one should use cable of more than 3 feet to
> minimize this. Does this apply to all the above types of connections?
> I think that covers it. I know Robin , Phil, Opaquece and Pat will know
> the answers so thanks in advance.
> If anyone who uses the DEQ2496 has tips on using it feel free to share

My ears are burning... ;)

Basically, Phil has answered all your questions.

I'm using AES/EBU, using a pair of home-made balanced XLR cables. I
bought a pair of Blue Jeans TOslink cables, but they wouldn't sit right
in the DEQ sockets, and I kept getting dropouts. Eventually, I broke the
flap off one of the sockets rendering it useless so I'm sticking with
the XLRs!

Anyone want to buy a couple of Blue Jeans Toslink cables??!

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