On 02/12/10 12:33, TheLastMan wrote:
> Reading this thread with great interest.  Most of the equipment
> discussed is way out of my financial league, but I can pick up a
> Transporter for under £1k now so I am seriously considering it as an
> option in my system.
> There is a lot of discussion here about the bass and midrange levels of
> the Transporter vs PWD kit.  However in my (long and varied) experience
> relative sound levels at the various frequency bands have *much* more
> to do with the speakers, amplifier and listening room.  
> To my ears the differences between DACs with high quality analogue
> output stages are much more subtle.  More to do with time-domain issues
> which affect harmonics, imaging and the realism of an instrument's sound
> (try listening to voices, piano, snare drum and cymbals).  It will also
> affect the pace, rhythm and timing of music (yes, I own Naim stuff!).
> But a lack of tonal balance (boomy bass, strident treble, recessed
> midrange) has much more to do with the speaker model, design,
> positioning and stands.  The amp can make a lesser difference to tonal
> balance but most critical of all is the room acoustic.
> Put any hi-fi in a small room with timber stud walls, heavy drapes,
> soft carpets, big sofas, pictures, book cases and any hi-fi will
> struggle to produce decent high frequency levels unless you are sitting
> absolutely at the sweet spot on-axis between the speakers. In such an
> environment the lower mid-range will dominate as high frequencies will
> be absorbed by the fabrics and bass standing waves and resonances
> broken up by furniture.
> A large and 'hard' room with bare brick/block walls, wood or stone
> floors and minimal furnishings will sound very "live" and dramatic but
> also confused by reflections, bass resonances and standing waves. 
> "Boom and tizz" without a clear midrange is a real problem in that
> situation.
> So my point is...
> ...comparing PWD and Transporter in different acoustic environments
> with different amps and speakers is rather pointless if you only
> comment on tonal balance.  You can only say what your own experience is
> if you have the luck to own both of these devices and play them through
> your own equipment.  Somebody with different amp, speakers and acoustic
> environment could well have completely the opposite experience as
> regards tonal balance.
> So if you really want to be informative about how these players
> compare, How realistic does a drum kit sound? 
> Or a choir in full voice? 
> Or a solo piano?
> I want the "live" experience from my hi-fi, something the Naim amps
> give me in spades but they could do with a better "player" than the
> Receiver.

Can someone please sticky this post? I've never seen such sense talked
on this forum!!


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