twheatley;598094 Wrote: 
> anyone have any experience here? Was thinking about the "Hi fi Racks
> Podium" (solid, dense wood) or the Atacama Equinox SE (glass).
> thanks as ever!

I have used and use both wood and glass shelves.

My main stereo rack has a steel frame with some type of composite
shelves covered with wood veneer. The shelves are totally open.

My home theater system is on a rack with large glass shelves and a
metal frame. This rack is also totally open.

Bedroom system is in a wooden night table with the back removed for
ventilation, also there is no door, in other words, enclosed on the
sides only.

Computer room system (it's more than just powered speakers:)) is in a
wooden cabinet with no front or back (enclosed on two sides, like the
bedroom system).

I've never noticed or heard any vibrations from any of these racks or

Finally my turntable sits a very heavy and dense composite shelf which
is firmly mounted to the wall via the studs. The safety switches in my
speakers, which trip when the speaker coils start to overheat, will
trip long before the sound pressure waves are strong enough cause any
vibration of the turntable.

So follow some pretty basic guidelines and you should be okay.

1) Get a rack/cabinet which is open on at least two sides (front and

2) Make sure that there is enough space above any component for proper
ventilation - power amps need more space than line level components
such as preamps, tuners, CD players and streaming devices.

That's it for the guidelines, now go out and find something that looks
nice, fits your needs and your budget.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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