evdplancke;602902 Wrote: 
> I have experienced the sbooster on my SBT and after a few days, I don't
> notice any difference anymore between my analog an digital outputs. My
> first impression is that the improvement is higher on the analog than
> on the digital. But, to be honnest, the supply of my DAC (V-DAC with
> standard PSU) is of poor quality, and this may explain why. I will try
> soon with a linear PSU on the V-DAC.

My Vdac ran very warm (hot) with the supplied wall wart, i measured
output at 19 volts (not good). I changed to a Strontronics low ripple
higher current SMPS, Vdac now cool and sounds better; cost about £10.

I am using a Power Plant Premier to supply my HiFI (Moon i1/cd1 and
Sonus Faber Domus, Touch, Vdac) and this has reduced a lot of anomalies
on my system. Prior to fitting this, i tried swapping cables but
couldn't really here any difference, but after fitting it the
difference to the system wasnt subtle. Everything seemed clearer,louder
at my standard volume setting. swapping cables now become noticable.

I too have been experimenting with Soundchecks Mods and havent come to
a clear conclusion yet as any changes on my system are very subtle. I
believe that because i have a very clean (pure regenerated supply) that
any effect of switching on and off parts of the Touch is much reduced.

I also know that my system is low jitter already. I tried out a Digital
Lens and because I could by-pass it via a click on the remote I was able
to do direct A/B comparison very quickly. 
Touch - Vovox cable -Digital lens- Qed Cable(using the jitter meter i
could see that it was already low and not reduced further by the lens).
I also couldn't hear any difference. But when i tried the Vovox directly
between the Touch and the Vdac the change was pronounced. Digital lens
was returned but cable was purchased.

So this brings me to my theory on Soundchecks mods and why its subtle
and almost non existant on some but huge and pronounced on others. I
believe that with a dirty supply the effect of Jitter is increased,
switching off parts of the touch reduce the electrical pathways and
interference by dirty power,this will reduce jitter and other
interferences. If,like me, you have a regenerated clean sinewave power
supply (filtering and going linear is not enough) it will reduce
spurious emissions. If you have a jitter sensitive system of Dac and
cable then any reduction in jitter will be noticable. However if your
system is already Low Jitter and your cable and Dac are Jitter robust
the effect will be very slight to not noticable. This may help explain
and reduce the arguments about Soundchecks mods especially in regard to
On board/ off board Flac to PCM conversion (theory says there should be
no difference). To test my theory (easy) we need someone who notices
Soundchecks mods making a big difference to measure the Jitter before
and after (that's difficult and expensive)

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