c3p0;602945 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> My Vdac ran very warm (hot) with the supplied wall wart, i measured
> output at 19 volts (not good). I changed to a Strontronics low ripple
> higher current SMPS, Vdac now cool and sounds better; cost about £10.

Hi c3p0,

To come back to your setup, are you using the V-DAC with the SBT?

I have to admit that I am currently totally confused about what to do:
I have a very little or subtle improvement of SQ compared to analog (if
not unexistent - you now the placebo effect) with the V-DAC connected to
digital output of the SBT .

So my question: did you experiment any A/B listening between analog and
digital ouputs of the SBT with V-DAC? If yes, what is your setup? Do you
use Toslink or RCA SPDIF, with low or high end cables? Do you hear a
significant difference?

Now that I fixed an evident power supply issue and improved in my
opinion the analog out of the SBT using the Sbooster, I am really
doubting about the benefits of the V-DAC. I thing the improvement is
not really worth the 230€ I paid for. And I am not sure at all that new
speakers or high end cables would help make more difference between
analog and digital out of the SBT.

What's your opinion about that?

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