iPhone;605584 Wrote: 
> And isn't that what really counts? Getting the music to the listener in
> as real as possible of the state of live music.

That counts or accuracy counts. They're not the same thing because
recordings aren't real sounds, they have their own character i.e. they
are not transparent to the original sounds. If you take ten good
recordings and ten good playback systems I expect the SQ differences
between the recordings would be more significant than the SQ
differences between the systems. Put another way, something that can
take a range of good recordings and make them sound real isn't
necessarily strictly accurate. I admit, valve amps are good at this.

My favourite system in terms of creating realism, with a range of
acoustic recordings, is the Linkwitz Orion. My favourite system I've
heard for accuracy is ATC SCM50ASL (with ATC sub). If I had the room
and money, I would have both! No doubt you can think of your own
favourites for each type of system - each to their own - my real point
is there are different kinds of system.




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