
First, sorry to hear that you've got unwanted time on your's to a speedy recovery.  Second, thanks for your time and
hard work looking into this.

In a way it's too bad that your results were not more
conclusive--either way---as they've managed to beautifully feed both
sides of this argument!  But, hey, it is what it is.  I only use the
spdif out, so will be interested in your further results.  

I suspect the end result of all this is that soundcheck's mods will
result in audible improvements for some and not others...completely
dependent on each of our own unique combinations of amps, speakers,
dacs, networking equipment, power supplies, cables, ears, and brains.
To my way of thinking there are just too many variables to, at the end
of all this, be able to say something emperically definitive either
way.  You can only measure things so far, but what each of us finally
hears coming out of our speakers is ultimately subjective.

In our house the cumulative improvement of the mods (less the volume
lock which I do understand could not have an effect if one was already
at 100%), is above the level of subtle.  I believe in my heart that
anyone with a good pair of ears and perfect auditory recall (heheh)
would be easily able to hear the difference if we could do that sort of
instant A/B comparison.

I'm mostly retired and listen to many hours of music each day, so was
all "broken in" to the "before mods" sound.  IMHO, post soundcheck's
mods, cables, and ethernet installation, there is clearly a difference
and certainly Mrs. rgro shares the same feelings....and we rarely agree
on anything (reference the PC vs Mac ads!) heheh ;>)!!

Finally...again, magiccarpetride???....lordy, lordy....CHILL DUDE!  I
happen to basically share much of your experience but it's only your
opinion based on your, and ONLY your, set of ears listening to only
your system.  What Phil, me, or Joe from the street might hear sitting
in your living room could be significantly different.  We're all humans
and that diversity of experience is what makes life rich.  Respect what
Phil does and his perspective---it's every bit as valid as yours.

There is absolutely nothing preventing you from expressing your
thoughts and opinions without the crudeness.  People do find that
language offensive.  It does nothing positive and much negative...the
good you may have to say is too easily drowned out by the vulgarity. 
Please, for your own sake and for those who prefer not to read that
stuff, dial it down a few notches...



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Touch (wired) via spdif coax > CA DacMagic >
Marantz PM8003 > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305.  

Home Theatre:  SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic

SBS 7.5.3 r31815 running on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 1.7.  Touch
w/Hardware V.5.  Touch: FW 7.5.3 r9283.  Duet: FW 67.
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