mlsstl;611160 Wrote: 
> The problem with your illustration is it has nothing to do with audio
> equipment. Rather it deals with epistemological issues that are better
> suited to philosophical discussions than measurement. 
> Your subjective experience, influenced by time of day, your mood, your
> immediately preceding experience and dozens of other factors that have
> nothing to do with the physical state of the stereo equipment, cannot
> be transferred to others. 
> They cannot even be precisely replicated for you, so there is nothing
> to measure. 
> If your original question includes all of those non-audio variables,
> you have constructed a question that cannot be answered. 
> If you limit the question to physical changes in the stereo that change
> what a person hears, then yes, I believe it probably can be measured.
> However, it would be a challenge with current technology to assume that
> we've spotted everything that can be measured.
> The problem is that many listeners cannot be content with simply having
> an experience. They want to elevate their personal observation to some
> type of universal certainty.

If we disregard the epistemological aspect for a moment (even though we
cannot really disregard it, but humor me on this one anyway), and focus
on what you call 'physical state of the stereo equipment', even there
the physical state is not the same from moment to moment. All else
remaining equal, the physical state is subject to variations of
infinite number of variables affecting it.

As for people who "want to elevate their personal observation to some
type of universal certainty", I think IF such people indeed exist, they
are absolutely mad. They need to be seriously examined and heavily
medicated if that indeed is the case with them.

Let's hope that there aren't many such people around us, or else we'd
be in a deep shit!

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