Cheers for the reply chaps...

I'll carry on with ReplayGain, and Crossfade, I've not been able to
spot any reduction in quality myself. 

With regard to Volume I always lock it at 100% anyway.

However I've tracked down the thread that prompted the 100% Volume

"How to lock audio output at 100% (I think)"

There's an entry from 'peterw' which makes interesting reading;

"If you're using analog output, you've just raised the noise floor
about 25 dB (volume 50 = about -25 dB gain, theoretical noise floor is
about -100 dB). If you're using digital out with Red Book content, you
might be losing some data --IIRC, the Squeezebox DAC uses 24 bits, so
if you turn it low enough, the Squeezebox has to start discarding bits.
If you're using 24 bit hi-res content, you need 100% digital out to
preserve all the music. The general recommendation is to use volume
levels of at least 80-100 for critical listening."

...I'll post anything else on that one.


Cheers Will
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