magiccarpetride;614510 Wrote: 
> Good point. I stand corrected. I was mostly referring to people who
> claim that if you're into high quality audio system, you obviously
> don't care about music, you only care about the equipment/gear/kit.
> Which would also be an overarching statement.
> In all fairness to these people, I used to know a few crackpot
> audioheads who would spend obscene amounts of money on the ultra
> expensive audio components only to end up listening to a few select
> demo discs. That's ultimate stupidity, in anyone's book. But let's not
> paint all the other audiophiles with the same broad brush.

It's much easier for someone to poke fun at a stereotype rather than
actually getting to know what the people are like beyond the
stereotype. Audiophiles, wine lovers and the like are easy to make fun
of since for most people the pleasure derived from music listening or
wine drinking is not greatly enhanced with more expensive or higher
quality equipment or wine. Nonetheless we all a few audio and wine
snobs and it's those snobs from which the stereotypes are drawn.

magiccarpetride;614510 Wrote: 
> The issue with many live performances is also are we keen on reproducing
> the sound that's coming out of the PA (assuming that it is amplified
> performance), or are we interested in reproducing the sound as it is
> coming out of the instruments themselves? For example, we could record
> the drumkit by close micing, or we could record it as it gets
> reproduced through the PA. So which one is it?
> Same applies to vocals etc.

Despite what many audio snobs may say listening to or recording a live
music event (whether amplified or acoustic) is in many ways not as
"pure" and "true" an experience as they would lead us to believe. As I
stated earlier, where one sits has much to do with what one hears and
experiences. The same holds true for a recording, the choices made by
the recording engineer (close miking, straight from the board, etc.)
produce as much of difference to the final sound as the notes being

It's the people who fool themselves into thinking everything is black
and white in world filled with colors and shades of gray that are the
real "fools".


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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