magiccarpetride;615535 Wrote: 
> Such blatant lying is bound to force these businesses to eventually
> close their shop.

Wow what a difference in the understanding of things digital there is
between this forum and the Stereophile forums (to name but one). On
that forum the members would be defending vendors such as HDTracks and
Linn because, well after all they're part of the "high end" community.
Greed is greed no matter how it chooses to disguise itself.

The simple facts are:

1) The creation and distribution of digital audio files is far less
costly, especially if the cost of making the recording has already been
paid, as is the case with 40+ year old Rolling Stones recordings, then
creating and distributing physical media.

2) Just about all consumer friendly digital formats are not secure and
can be easily copied by a personal computer and distributed via the
internet at little or no cost.

3) The laws of supply and demand dictate that the current pricing
structure of almost all legal digital audio download sites (read paid
download) is not sustainable and must either be revised or the sites
will eventually go out of business.

Notice the above three statements make no mention of copyright issues
since the current copyright laws are outdated and their enforcement is
well beyond the scope and resources, i.e. budgets, of law enforcement
agencies and these laws are therefore no longer of any consequence.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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