Absinth;617930 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I'm not quite sure that this is the correct forum for this thread, so
> my apologies if not.
> I run SqueezeboxServer from an Asus Eee, but consider upgrading to
> something more powerful as I would like to experiment with Inguz, but I
> still want something compact, silent and power efficient. I am
> considering buying a used Mac Mini (the 2,4Ghz version). 
> Also, I just read about the Musical Fidelity V-Link, that supposedly
> have zero jitter from a USB port. If this is true, using the Mac and
> the V-link should outperform even my modded Squeezebox Touch. 
> Of course this would mean running SqueezeboxServer, Inguz and the
> squeezebox software emulation from the same system. I would control it
> Squeezepad or iPeng on my iPad.
> Would you think this is a wise choice? Any comments are welcome.
Forgive me if I have missed something, but I don't get this -the Touch
takes data via ethernet and then outputs it as S/PDIF, the V-link takes
it in by USB and out by S/PDIF. Since by common consent S/PDIF is the
weak link in the digital audio chain (and as I understand it the usb
protocol may be better than S/PDIF but does not have genuine two way
control of the data flow)   I can't see any reason to suppose that the
upshot is better than the output of the touch. Now if one has a usb
dac, that would be a different story as it would not have an internal
S/PDIF connnection. Presumably at soe point MF will come up with a DAC
with a proper USB input and that will be worth buying.
I quite like MF products, but I think Anthony Michaelson's true genius
is in marketing.

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