These guys -really- know their stuff! This comes from their free tweaks

> We continued experimenting and created multiple partitions that were 900
> MB in size. We found that the music track sounded different depending on
> where on the SSD is was. When it was on the partition nearest the boot
> partition it sounded the worst. We believe this to be because the
> signals are closer to each other and results in interference between
> the memory banks. When the partition was near opposite side of the SSD
> it sounded smoother.
> We also found that there was an audible difference of how the partition
> was formatted. NTFS sounded the edgiest, ext3 sounded better, FAT and
> ext2 sounded the smoothest. However, they were nowhere near as close to
> the quality when having the music running from the boot partition. In a
> direct comparison between FAT and boot, the FAT sounded slower and
> blurrier with noisy bass, when switching to boot it sounded both
> smoother and faster with cleaner and tighter bass that had more
> microdetail.


*Server*: Ubuntu 8.04 Server on Intel 1.66GHz Core Duo Mac Mini, 1GB
RAM, 72GB internal for OS, 750GB Maxtor One Touch Firewire for media.
SC 7.3.1~24372
*Main Audio*: SB Touch> Audio Research LS2B mkII > Audio Research VT100
mkII > Soliloquy 5.3
*Work Audio*: SB Receiver > Jolida SJ801 > NHT Super Zero's
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