I went with active monitors (ADAM)in my main system, primarily to get
out of the "this amp with that cable, and this particular speaker,

Didn't have the stomach for another round of that stuff.    

Audiophiles don't cotton to actives IMO because they remove a lot of
the customization (for better or worse) that you can get with passive

My feeling is that "per-dollar-spent"...actives deliver more
performance.  I liked the fact that each driver is connected to it's
own amplifier that was custom designed for THAT particular driver, and
not a generic load.

I doubt that I would have been able to achieve the same results by
swapping amps and cables in a passive set up.    I'm really happy with
what I got, and it would take a demonstration far more compelling than
"passive is just better" to convince me otherwise. 

Actives for me thank you.


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