Mnyb;620899 Wrote: 
> is there any market for bogus software to treat your music on the PC
> that would be an ultimate product, no production or dev cost just cash
> in the money.
Yes, I am just now completing work on a program that runs along side of
your squeezebox server program. Over the years of running squeezebox, I
have discovered that the audio quality is affected by spikes in CPU on
the box that is hosting the server process. I have concluded that when
a listening session starts with low CPU utilization on the box, and the
CPU is then tasked, the switching that the CPU must go through to handle
the added tasks introduces jitter into the data stream. When listening
begins while the CPU is already multi-tasking, this jitter is not

As a solution, I have created a program that will ensure the CPU is
working at the optimal amount for elimination of this CPU jitter. I
feel as though I have already said too much about my product, so I
won't reveal any more of the technical details. Pricing will begin at
$2,500 per CPU. If you happen to have a quad-core machine as your music
server, I'll discount the price to $9,500, as I'm really not in this to
make money beyond the time and labor I have invested in the product.


*Server*: Ubuntu 8.04 Server on Intel 1.66GHz Core Duo Mac Mini, 1GB
RAM, 72GB internal for OS, 750GB Maxtor One Touch Firewire for media.
SC 7.3.1~24372
*Main Audio*: SB Touch> Audio Research LS2B mkII > Audio Research VT100
mkII > Soliloquy 5.3
*Work Audio*: SB Receiver > Jolida SJ801 > NHT Super Zero's
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