Phil Leigh;623392 Wrote: 
> I get the analogy... I'd like more info from JS on how he measured and
> what he measured.
> In particular, what PSU was being used and did he measure jitter
> changing on the s/pdif (I can see how the buffer-driven processing
> activity can impact the analogue outs).

I can't measure jitter on the S/PDIF, the signal is too complex for my
test equipment. I can only measure jitter on something simple like a
clock. Unfortunately the jitter of the Touch is just below the jitter
threshold of my test gear so I can't give direct measurements of jitter
in response to any of Soundcheck's modifications. 

I CAN measure power supply noise on a spectrum analyzer. I built a very
low noise differential probe to feed the spectrum analyzer. It started
out life as a very low noise microphone preamp I built many years ago,
it works great for this. I'm running the preamp off batteries to try
and cut down on PS noise contaminating the readings.

I don't remember exact numbers, but there was significant differences
in the PS noise with buffer settings. The Noise comes in bursts
(primarily with the buffer interrupt). With a large buffer the noise is
long bursts but not very often, this gives rise to strong low frequency
components. With the small buffer the bursts are much shorter and come
much more frequently, thus much fewer and less intense low frequency

John S.

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