brjoon1021;623698 Wrote: 
> Knowing recordings in a stable controlled environment is key. Double
> blind studies are total BS because a sh*tty MP3 of low quality
> reproduces enough information to sound like a CD when you are listening
> to popular music (especially) over a system you are unfamiliar with and
> music you are unfamiliar with. 

But you do understand that one can do a double-blind ABX test, with
familiar material in their own environment,using whatever source
material they want. It doesn't have to be mp3 in a foreign environment.
Additionally, there is nothing about double-blind ABX testing that
requires one to listen to short snippets of music. The switching back
and forth can be after weeks of listening if one chooses that time
period. Of course one needs repeated trials in order to apply some
classical statistics to the results to make sure you are not getting
results by mere chance, but other than this, the equipment, source
material, and system can be all yours and the timing of each trial can
be as long as you wish.

So your concerns about the double-blind testing have nothing to do with
double-blind testing validity in the context of audio.

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