krzys;623098 Wrote: 
> Mini DSP can take the digital SPDiF output and process it. The
> limitation is the 48 kHz sampling rate. I even don't know if it can
> handle the 96 kHz signal . The advantage is  you can make nearly any
> kind of filter or DSP with them .
> Chris 
> Ps another interseting processor for crossovers and EQ is the Xilica
> 4080 ca 1500$

Just a matter of time when they start offering 24/96 and higher DACs
with crossover and PEQ it can be a great kit and at reasonable price
point may bring many to an active setup. Still, cannot deny the
convenience of DEQX with analog volume control but at a much higher
price point.


Source Device: Transporter
Amplifiers: Tri-Amped NAD C272 x 3
Speakers: x-Statik Passive Crossover Removed
Crossover: Active MiniDSP x 2 (3 Way)
Pre-amplifier: NAD C162
Room Correction applied using REW
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