Referring to Garym's post #2...

100% dead-on correct IMO.  I too also find myself enjoying MCRs often
thought provoking posts.  

I am a recovering audiophile.   Recovering in the sense that I no
longer am able to delude myself into hearing staggering differences
where none exist.

As Gary so eloquently stated, the High End has to a large extent been
hijacked by hacks, and wackos.   As a result the credibility of claims
made have become highly suspicious to a great number of persons. 
Myself included.   After three decades of hearing how the "musical
truth" has been revealed....again and yet again.   I've thrown the BS

It is unfortunate to me that the truly outstanding designs of some
great engineers has been lumped into a category that includes "audio
grade fuses", and "Hi-definition solder".   

I no longer believe the nonsense, and I'm disappointed in myself for
taking so long to come to this conclusion. 

I don't want differences.  I want improvements, and I will find them in
products that can actually deliver.


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