earwaxer9;626833 Wrote: 
> Lots of room for "expectation bias" here. Thats ok! We are human after
> all. 
> I was shaking my head at myself last night as I started to
> "re-resample" - once again. I have been listening to soX SRC - 24/96
> VHQ linear for some months now. Previous to that I used SSRC
> (dbpoweramp). I found that soX sounded better. Yesterday I resampled
> half of Sgt. Peppers using 25% phase leaving the rest at 50% (linear) -
> using foobar. I "think" I liked the 25% better. I cant tell you how I
> like it better. I guess, more "natural" due to a gentler filtering. So
> off I go. It gives me something to do and it doesnt cost me anything!
> IMO, it would be next to impossible to judge if one algorithm is
> "better" than the next one in simple A-B comparisons. I believe it
> takes some listening time. I do believe there is a difference that can
> equal greater enjoyment. Placebo or not, enjoyment is enjoyment.
Sounds like an honest post to me and i know what you mean :)
Depending on the setting using a 25% phase response with sox i found it
already changing frequencys from 16khz on my impulse samples. So that
may play a role here.
One completely different thing is to wonder why Upsampling should be
done at all. 
Indeed some Asynchronous Sampling Rate Convertion that happens in the
DAC may have a positive effect on errors that crept in due to jitter on
its way into the device. Benchmark Media seems to do well there. With
our Transporter that doesn´t happen! We upsample on the Server and send
the data on its way. The Transporter just gets more data. I don´t know
how it works for the Touch but i doubt it has enough processing power
to do good upsampling inside the device.


Transporter (modded) -> RG142 -> Avantgarde Acoustic based 500VA
monoblocks -> Sommer SPK240 -> self-made speakers
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