Phil Leigh;630189 Wrote: 
> Typically file transfers across the network won't show up the same
> problems as the Touch rebuffering. AS others have said, the first thing
> to do is to temporarily attach the Touch directly to the Router that the
> SBS is attached to. That will hopefully eliminate the SBS server as a
> cause. Then work your way back (switch by switch) to your normal
> connection topology, noting when the problem recurrs. 
> There have been various reports of rebuffering with 7.5.x. I haven't
> seen any with 7.6 (doesn't mean there aren't any of course).
Thanks to all for the advice.

I connected my Touch directly to the switch to which my PC is
connected.  There was no other network traffic.  I listened with
headphones (having nearly forgotten to turn the volume down!), and kept
the Touch screen display on (as I often do for convenience).

The problems remain, exactly the same.   The display shows
'rebuffering' particularly when changing tracks, or 24/96 tracks using
PCM.  No problems with native flac.  I've previously tried completely
disabling all security software on the server, so I'm pretty sure it
isn't that (and anyway I'd expect that to have some occasional problems
with flac).

If it is a PC problem (rather than a Touch problem) I'll doubt I'll
find it. Master Gates's devices are rather complex.  I'm not that bad
with PCs, but this sort of problem would defeat me quite easily.  The
event log is clean.  I do have an MS network monitor which I'll try,
but not for long...

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