adamdea;638174 Wrote: 
> Don't knock it Rodney. On a certain hifi forum (probably more than one)
> there are many people who swear blind that  CD players sound better as
> a transport into a DAC than any digital streaming device (and get quite
> shirty if you question this belief.)
> We should celebrate any posting on an audiophile forum of a subjective
> result which makes sense

While I don't question the truth of your statement regarding
audiophiles and streamed vs. CD playback I do wonder how much their
belief in the superiority of CD playback is based on the brand names of
the devices being tested. In other words, would a digital audio file
being streamed via a $20,000 Linn Klimax DS still be inferior to a CD
transport? From an audiophile standpoint a $10,000 CD transport or
player HAS to "sound better" than a $300 SB Touch, even if there is
absolutely no difference. For an example of what I mean check out the
Stereophile review of the Brston BDP-1 where no meaningful comparisons
were made with/to any other digital streaming devices, including the
lowly $300 SBT.

After you've read through that almost useless review check out the
comments posted on the Stereophile forum. On that forum my user name is


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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