JezA;638554 Wrote: 
> I thought my Squeezebox Duet was pretty bad through it's analogue
> outputs; my Touch is just about OK for background listening. Neither
> are remotely audiophile quality. The digital outputs of a Touch feeding
> a Benchmark DAC is a much more listenable proposition.

+1. I'm hearing jitter through the Touch analog outs, but no
discernible jitter when I go digital out via digital coax into
Beresford Caiman DAC (mind you, my Touch is brutally modded via all the
available Soundcheck's tweaks).

Things really do get to a whole 'nother sonic level when I replace the
built-in wallwart PSU that ships with the Touch with a dedicated linear
PSU. The reason? I'm using Magnepan planar speakers, and apparently
these speakers act like strong antennas, thus collecting the RFI coming
from the shitty wallwart PSU. Soon as I kill that wallwart thingy, the
sound drastically clears up.

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