frank_from_hh;640256 Wrote: 
> To give you some example of what I think of the Touch sound in my
> system: Bass is well pronounced, but lower mids are a little too weak.
> That means I would not like to add more bass, but the lower mids,
> especially male voices need more presences or power. The heights would
> need some taming. They are too present. And of course everything could
> be better ;-)
> To put all this into a perspective: I read quite often that the Rega
> DAC has a strong bass (what I do not really want). But I do not know
> what they are comparing it too. Does the Touch have a strong bass too?
> I do not know besides reading a lot about it and owning one. So, I
> would very much appreciate if you could give me at least some details
> of what you think about the differences of the two in your system.
> BTW, I am not at all familiar with the Rega sound.
> Many thanks for any input and happy listening
> Frank
Hi Frank -

I've been thinking about this as I've been listening today after
receiving my new sub to fill in the bottom octaves below the limit of
my Maggies. Regarding the deep bass, I would say the sound is certainly
"full" but not uncontrolled, at least in my system and to my ears.
Pizzicato notes on a bass violin are quite detailed and realistic. I
suppose the trade-off for this is perhaps some over-emphasis of bass on
other material. It's such a tough thing to describe, especially when you
get up to systems that reveal every flaw in a recording. It becomes hard
to know whether what you hear is a result of the equipment, or the guy
doing the studio mix having a certain preference for bass, nodes in the
recording studio, etc. 

As for highs, the Rega may be just what you need. When I referred to
the "Rega sound", it's essentially an analogue sound coming from
digital source - full, rich mids and relaxed but detailed highs.
Lower-mids (male voices, e.g.) are fantastic. Listening Wind on Peter
Gabriel's Scratch My Back album never fails to give goosebumps. Same
for Francis Dunnery's Revolution - the contrast when he turns from the
mic to play full-force is amazing. The touch simply cannot match the
Rega, really in any aspect. 

If you listen to classical/symphonic, folk, jazz, vocal, etc genres of
music, then the Rega is worth any effort to audition. It certainly can
do rock and electronic, but then you begin to get that full bass that
to some is not "tight" enough. I'm a tube guy, so I already kissed
truly tight, punchy bass goodbye long ago. I would imagine with solid
state equipment this may be better, but I've not auditioned any such

Hope this helps...


*Server*: Ubuntu 8.04 Server on Intel 1.66GHz Core Duo Mac Mini, 1GB
RAM, 72GB internal for OS, 750GB Maxtor One Touch Firewire for media.
SC 7.3.1~24372
*Main Audio*: SB Touch > Rega DAC > Audio Research LS2B mkII > Audio
Research VT100 mkII > Maggie 1.7
*Work Audio*: SB Receiver > Jolida SJ801 > NHT Super Zero's
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