What format is the file? Are you running an external SBS or are you
plugging in a USB drive to the Touch? Dou you get that message from the
Touch or from the server?

The Touch can definately play 88.2 files, and nothing in either
Soundcheck's nor Dynaudiorules mods changes anything related to sample

I'm having a hard time figuring out how you would get that message. The
file might be corrupt and give the wrong sample rate, but that should
get caught by the server and converted to a supported sample rate (IF
running an external SBS). The only other possibility I can think of is
if you have SOX setup to change the sample rate to something the Touch
doesn't support.

I would check the server log and the Touch log to see if there are any
errors reported when trying to play this file. 

The server log is listed in the server web interface somewhere under
the advanced setup menu. 

On the Touch you need to SSH into the Touch (use PuTTY on windows) and

cd /var/log
less messages

When done type q then exit to get out.

John S.

JohnSwenson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5974
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=80903

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