GaryM: Yes, we're thankful for the view though we'll sometimes forget
about it for a week and then it suddenly stuns us again. 

Pski: I try very hard not to bore the people in my real life with my
nerd side. Other than the ones I work with who are nerdier than I am,
you're right. They wouldn't have time for this. That said, 4 of my 7
neighbors have liked the way my system worked and sounded so much that
they now have server based audio systems. This is not all good, but
that's another story.

If what you mean is: 'Hey boy! You ask a lot of questions and make a
lot of noise even though you're not a continuing part of this
community,' you're right. I've been coming here for 7 years only when I
have a SqueezeBox issue that stumps me. While here, I do try to pay back
by answering a few questions when I see something within an area of my
expertise. Its possible I may have helped someone reading this thread
by pointing them at Inguz or by suggesting that getting all the very
small details in an audio system right leads to a meaningfully higher
level of performance than just hooking the various bits up to each

Aside to Mr. Leigh if you're still here: The maker of your fine
speakers was the first person to point me at the importance of
precision in audio setup when he taught me to setup his turntable
nearly forty years ago. The difference in sound between getting it done
and doing it right was staggering. Made me understand the concept of
religious conversion.

Harry G
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