audiomuze;655482 Wrote: 
> I've seen enough of their so called high res masters to know a good
> proportion is crap and the original CD is better. Layla would be a good
> example of the crap I'm referring to.

Once again I agree. Layla is being sold by HDTracks as the definitive
audiophile version but the master that was used to create the high
resolution has the same overly compressed dynamic range as the crappy
2011 CD remaster. I've had this same conversation over on the
Stereophile forum and since HDTracks is a Stereophile advertiser all
the writers and editors simply gave HDTracks a pass and said something
along the lines of "Oh they're aware of the problems and it's now their
fault and yada, yada, yada."

That's why I will not buy anything from HDtracks until each and every
one of their high resolution releases is truly hi-rez and is not
dynamically compressed. Or as you put it, is no longer crap.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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