agillis;651237 Wrote: 
> I though all you guys would get a kick out of this. We have been testing
> VortexBox player running on a Sonore VortexBox with 24/384 music using a
> MSB Signature DAC, which supports 24/384 via USB. It seems to be working
> well.
> We have been using the direct interface to VortexBox Player not using
> it in SqueezeBox emulation mode. I have already modified the SqueezeBox
> Server that comes with VortexBox to support 24/192. I guess I could also
> get it to support 24/384. Not sure if anybody is really interested in
> this though.
> How much music is really available in 24/384?

Okay so we now have a rapidly growing thread (35 posts and counting)
all based on post which links to a one of the worst audiophile sites on
the internet. The Computer Audiophile is all about sucking up the
manufacturers and then hopefully getting some free equipment or perhaps
a free trip to some audio show. Try reading through some of the nonsense
and misinformation posted on that site and you'll see what I mean.

First and foremost of the Computer Audiophile's sins is a rabid
fascination with all things Apple. The Apple/iTunes audio platform is
seriously flawed with respect to the playback of high quality audio and
yet the Computer Audiophile along with all the high end magazines will
never say that the emperor has no clothes. There are many, many other
sins but just this one is enough ensure that the Computer Audiophile
can be safely ignored.

That said this is still a very interesting discussion but I fear that
all the useful information posted is falling upon the ears of the
converted and is not being heard by the vast majority of audiophiles
stuck in the land of myths. So how do we get this information into
their hands?

And finally why stop at 24/384? How about 96bit/6144Khz? Yes, onward
and upward to perfect resolution!!!


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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