On 3 Oct 2011, at 20:01, TheLastMan wrote:

> cunobelinus;661039 Wrote: 
>> As for dbpoweramp and Foobar - I've got them on the VM, but they're so
>> incredibly cumbersome (not least given the iPods) that I avoid them
>> whenever possible.
>> ?!?
> I cannot imagine a music file player more simple and basic than Foobar!
> Just browse to the music folder, select the tracks you want to play and
> press "play". Nothing more to say on that one.

No, neither have I, having already said that I dislike it. But then I don't 
desperately like iTunes as a player, either.
> dBpoweramp is just unsurpassed for ripping, tagging and conversion.  I
> can only assume either that you do not have the full, paid for, version
> - which is essential - or that it does not work well through the VM. 

Your assumptions are wrong.
> The 'Accuraterip' (http://www.accuraterip.com/) database is brilliant
> for ripping QC


> and the multiple tagging data sources essential for
> getting tags sorted from the outset.

Most of the music I rip needs to be re-tagged anyway. No extant software or 
database seems up to listing classical and early music with the care and 
consistency that I think it deserves, or in my standard format.

> The ability to use tag data to set
> folder names makes conversion from the context menu a one-click option.
> As for batch conversion and multiple format ripping - these are huge
> time savers.

For simple rips, it is desperately slow and cumbersome compared with iTunes 
running under OSX and the results are indistinguishable by ear. Even leaving 
that aside, for most of my music Accuraterip is a waste of time in itself. True 
re multiple format ripping, for which I often use it. 
> Sure, the menus and what-not are not in the Apple style, but that is
> just a matter of familiarity. I find Apple menus equally frustrating,
> but that is not Apple's fault, it is just I am used to Windows.

I am used to both, and far prefer Apple.
> As for iTunes, I only use it as a means to get my music onto the iPod.
> Otherwise it is the most bloated, inflexible and frustrating bit of
> software I have ever used. Why oh why can I not display my music by
> Composer?

You can, I believe,  although as I don't use iTunes as a player.......

> Or track artist rather than album artist?

> Or "cover-flow" by
> genre?

> It is far easier for me to find stuff in my collection simply by
> browsing my folders. If I need to do anything complex like create
> playlists then I use SqueezePlay or Softsqueeze.

Playlists on iTunes are incredibly straightforward. The one thing wrong with 
them is that they have a tendency to vanish sporadically without any apparent 
reason, which is very exasperating.
> One day I will make a list of the things that are wrong with iTunes
> just for this sort of post. ;)

Pippin's done it for you.
> I suppose if you rely totally on iTunes to create a music catalogue you
> won't know what I am talking about.  However if, like me, you put your
> music files (like any other files) appropriately named into a nicely
> ordered folder tree then anything that cannot follow that is just
> frustrating.  I keep my music folders separate from iTunes and backed
> up.  I just use the "add folder" option in iTunes to get the music in
> for synchronisation with the iPod.
iTunes' folder tree is nicely ordered enough: folders by artists. Moreover, the 
software does it all automatically in one operation after ripping. Having spent 
time carefully tagging files, (and in the case of multiple format rips only, 
having already shunted them from Windows to OSX), I find I run out of the 
patience to indulge in more unnecessary shunting.
> -- 
> TheLastMan
> Matt
> http://www.last.fm/user/MJL-UK
> *SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
> *Server:* Synology DS107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157) running
> Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 on Synology Package Manager
> *Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
> access points
> *Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, B&W CM2 speakers
> *Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, B&W 686 speakers
> *Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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