Brian Ritchie;662970 Wrote: 
> After 18 years, I think it's finally time to lay my old amp to rest.
> It's an Arcam Delta 290, paired with a 290P, bi-amping Mission 751
> speakers (which are of a similar age).
> When it sounds good, I still love it; unfortunately, the selector knob
> is starting to go, and it's getting more and more difficult to get it
> to connect properly. This is a common problem with the 290; I've had it
> repaired before, but the selector unit is no longer made, and the repair
> job is beyond my skills / patience.
> It's time to consider a replacement; but right now, I've no idea what.
> I probably should've spent the last few months researching (and reading
> hifi mags with a jaded eye).
> So I'm interested in hearing suggestions... what do you think makes a
> good partner amp for a Transporter? Could I find a single-amp solution
> to replace my bi-amped system? (The addition of the 290P really brought
> things to life.  Hmm, I haven't considered trying to find another amp
> that could be matched to it; but I suspect that's unlikely. I wonder if
> I could just use a new pre-amp with them both - I *think* the 290's
> power stage is separable... ?)
> (I should point out that I'm in the UK, so kit that's not available
> there is out of the question.)
> My main music source is the Transporter, though audio from our two PVRs
> and DVD player goes through the amps too (yes, running out of inputs is
> another issue!) I still have an Arcam Alpha 6 CD player, but it's
> rarely used (and is itself showing its age).
> I've a vague interest in surround-sound (mainly for audiovisual stuff,
> but also for ambient music); but rear speaker placement would be
> awkward, and I'm not minded to change the layout of the house to suit!
> I wonder if I'd be happy with one of those soundbar thingies? But
> that's by-the-by: good stereo reproduction takes precedence. I wouldn't
> want to spend a fortune on a surround-sound system when I could get a
> system that performs better with stereo sources for considerably less.
> I hope to do some auditioning at the local Audio-T this weekend, but I
> suspect their in-store stock range isn't that great. Also, when I
> dropped in a few weeks ago, the guy I spoke to was very dismissive when
> I mentioned that my main source is a Transporter (but they're Sonos
> stockists, and might not know what they're missing :-) ). I see that at
> the moment they have the Cyrus 8 XPd QX for £1350... not sure I'm
> bothered about an external DAC, but that's the same price as the
> DAC-less 8XP!  I'll see what they say, but it's been so long that I'll
> feel a bit like a lamb to the slaughter.  Better not say that I want
> Dobly on the gramophone input :-)
> My budget? Well, I'm not sure. Basically, whatever it takes to get
> something that sounds at least as good as the 290/290P do when they're
> at their best, so long as that doesn't mean more than, say, £2500. (Of
> course, as soon as I write that figure, I realise that maybe I would
> need new speakers to do the rest justice - except that that would eat
> into the budget...)
> -- Brian

Personally I would keep both of your Arcams and use the Delta 290 just
as a power amp. Get a new pre-amp, one with at least one set of
balanced inputs to maximise the capabilities of the Transporter.

Something like this:

This is a serious pre-amp that can stand a later update to both power
amps and speaker.

It's worth noting that when transistor amps get to ~20-25 years old
they should be thoroughly serviced and probably partially rebuilt (caps
and rectifiers in particular should be looked at).

Alternatively junk both the Arcams (they are getting a bit long in the
tooth and will need recapping at some point anyway) and get one of
these instead:

Lots of power to drive the Missions properly (I would bi-wire them) and
balanced input capabilities. All for £800 - you could afford a tasty
speaker upgrade! :-)

Alternatively, A used Classe integrated would be just within your


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker & Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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