Thanks for the responses (well, the more constructive ones :-) ). 

I think I'd have to rule out something like the Krell though as we'll
need lots of inputs.  (Well, "need" is a strong word; but even though I
suspect I haven't used it in years, I'd still like the option of an
input for my Rega 2.  And then there are the PVRs, the Blu-Ray, the CD
player and maybe even the TV... OK, so with the Transporter that's too
many already...)

I'm intrigued by the Cronos - I'd pretty much assumed that valve amps
would be beyond my budget. Not sure I'd get it past SWMBO, who thinks
amps with valves sticking out "just look daft" (whereas I'd hate to
hide them under a cover). And, again, too few inputs. 

(Perhaps it could be argued that we really need two separate systems;
but that's not an argument I'd ever win...)

We've booked a session at Audio-T (except that they've just become
Sevenoaks - I thought I'd mis-dialled!) tomorrow, and will see what
they can tempt us with. We're taking over a dozen CDs with us (they
don't "do" flac, it seems); not that we intend to listen to them all,
but so we can follow our ears, as it were.

My budget is based more than anything else on a half-baked
extrapolation of how much I vaguely remember spending on the Arcams 18
years ago, tempered by a similarly vague notion that technology has
improved faster than inflation. And doubly tempered by the knowledge
that my hearing ain't what it was!  And reigned in again by remembering
that the bathroom needs a total overhaul. :-)

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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