SoftwireEngineer;663777 Wrote: 
> Jitter is playback of the bits in a wavering output
> 44.1kHz+- few khz. The frequency of changes in the root/base frequency
> of 44.1Khz is in the Khz range as well (unlike a few hertz in the rpm
> of a turntable). Why is the playback not happening at a rock steady
> 44.1Khz ? This is mainly due to the fact that the clock frequency is
> recovered from the incoming bit stream of the SPDIF cable. The
> reflections in the cable cause the frequency to be recovered at a
> different value at every moment. 
> (this is the simplest I can come up. Feel free to pose any questions I
> will try to answer)
> Looking forward to Klaus's 3.0 .. way to go Klaus !!!
I'm not an expert on this area (or engineering of any sort) but an
interested reader might wish to consider the links I have provided in
my post linked below to articles written by people who are.

...BTW I wish Klaus every success and appreciate his hard work

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