guidof;668090 Wrote: 
> OK. As promised, I applied TT3.0 to my bedroom system which is similar
> to yours in that headphones are fed directly via a tube amp from the
> Touch's analog outs(see below) and the Touch is networked via Wi-Fi.
> After a few comparative listens, I concluded that the improvement (over
> TT2.0) is not as startling as in my main system, mainly, I think,
> because the effects on imaging and soundstaging obviously don't apply.
> However, the improvements in timbres and tonal balance are quite
> apparent. The bass is much tighter, the highs have lost the trace of
> digital edge they still had with TT2.0.
> I listen mostly to jazz and classical, so for example in "It never
> entered my mind" from the 24/88 download of The Gene Harris/Scott
> Hamilton Quintet's "At Last," Harris' piano sounds as naturally icy as
> it does on my main system through the M-Ls. Similarly, on the rip from
> an RCA CD of Geza Anda's performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21,
> the Vienna Symphony's strings are no longer muddied by the somewhat
> bloated bass that I had assumed was an artifact of the 701s. Anda's
> piano playing comes through with astonishing articulateness. Everything
> is cleaner and clearer.
> In summary, I would say that with the change from TT2.0 to 3.0, -to
> me-, everything sound more natural, less "hi-fi."
> I really don't know the reason for your different experience. But if
> further listens corroborate that TT3.0 does noting for you, my only
> suggestion would be to enjoy the music through your Senns and perhaps
> give TT3.0 another chance if you should change your system at some
> future time.
> Regards,
> Guido F.

Hi Guido,

I've tried another go tonight and to summarise last night I was wrong!
I will post my findings in another post, hopefully tomorrow, however I
am now hearing a difference and an improvement with the toolbox.


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