Mr Bellow;668851 Wrote: 
> Soundcheck is right : is really a pleasure read what you write. I can
> feel yr passion for music. About yr observations I can say only one
> thing : the secret is to run TT3.0 with all the options enabled (even
> vollock and kill the daemons). In the first days , since I use a NAS
> and don't have an iPod/iPad I was forced to turn the display on and the
> infrared receiver on.In the next days I tried the full TT3.0 package and
> the sound became more natural and balanced. Now I have an 8 Gb ipod
> Touch (is sold for 199 euros) to control the SBT and , at the moment ,
> I'm really happy with TT3.0.
> In my opinion the sound is born analog : when you listen to live music
> you perceive the highs (cymbals etc.) and the basses in a natural way
> without forcing ; my first approach to TT3.0 was not natural (i used
> the word "digital" to describe a detailed , defined but innatural sound
> ( I mean NOT real)). Probably this is even caused by my system (mainly a
> Naim system ) which emphasize the good and the bad.
> The difficult part in high end systems is to obtain a natural sound
> from a digital source : usually I recognize the achievement of that
> goal when the speakers disappear and you're surrounded by the sound
> (even with a stereo system - which is in my opinion the only way to
> listen to high end reproduction at the moment) and you can almost "see"
> the players positions on the stage. Now I'm really near to that goal not
> only with vinyl but even with my TT3.0 SBT.

Thanks Mr Bellow. That was a nice description, and a lofty goal to
strive toward.

I'm just resurfacing here for a moment to tell you that I have
rediscovered The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's last night! I've been listening
to Sgt Pepper since I was 10 years old, but I've never heard it for
real until last night. I was listening to it, beginning to end, with a
friend, and we were both absolutely mesmerized. Like you've said, the
speakers disappeared, the walls disappeared. I had no idea it's such a
sonically rich album. It is now a true revelation to listen to this
record (arguably the greatest album ever made, Dark Side Of The Moon

Technical note: I was listening to the 24 bit version of Sgt. Pepper,
which, in my view, beats the 16 bit version. No clue as to why, but
with TT3.0 on, the greater bit depth shows. It's almost like switching
from 65,000 colors to the palette containing 16 million colors.

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