MCG555;671818 Wrote: 
> Question: What about the Hights / Trebles: Are they now clearer
> pronounced; do you get a greater emphasis there? Others would say
> "extended hights"?

I would not say that there is an emphasis on the treble, the Hights are
very clean, but still warm and not headache enducing, I also listened to
the Korngold violin concerto with Anne-Sophie Mutter, the violin goes
extremely high and sounds hard and tight on the Touch, but with the
Bifrost, everything is clear and there are nuances to the sound. With
the Bifrost one has the feeling someone took off the lid and there is
so much more there.
I also listened to a live opera recording, the soundstage is so wide
and lively, I sometimes had the feeling there was someone in the room
with me jumping around - but it was only stage noises.

Before buying this Dac, I was often put off buying one - since people
wrote differences were only very suttle, also that some DACs have very
digital Hights etc.
This Dac makes a vast improvement compared to the Touch, it is a lot
more musical and you can easily get lost in the music.
All of this is obviously IMHO and it is what I can hear on my system,
it all depends on the combination of Amp, speakers etc.


Squeezebox Server 7.6.1 on Squeezeplug (Dockstar)
Synology DS-410j NAS
Squeezebox Touch
Squeezebox Boom
Schiit - BIFROST Dac
Spotify Premium
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