External DAC's bring changes that are both subtle, and take awhile to
fully appreciate. As an example, when comparing my CEC CD-3300 CD
player (via analog outputs) against how it sounds running digitally
thru my Benchmark--there is nothing monumental to report. The changes
are subtle, definitely positive in nature--but nothing earth
shattering. Keep this in mind, as I think sometimes DAC's are a little
over-hyped--don't get me wrong, I love my Benchmark.

Having said all that, the cambridge is a hig-value piece, as are
examples from Musical Fidelity (V-DAC), but as others have stated, you
need highly resolving eqquipment downstream to really appreicate the


- transport: squeezebox touch
- dac: benchmark dac/pre
- linestage: placette passive
- power amplifier: parasound hca-1500a
- speakers: fritz speakers carbon 7 monitor
- cables: kimber hero/8tc v.2, dh labs d-75
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