magiccarpetride;667324 Wrote: 
> Amazing! I love when I get proven totally wrong in this fashion.
> So you're right, I finally got off my butt earlier this evening, did a
> factory reset, upgraded firmware to 7.7.0, and then modified all the
> settings on my Touch and on the squeezebox server, as per Soundcheck's
> instructions, and then installed TT3.0. I also applied his vollock, and
> finally killed deamon jobs (tt -k).
> Set down for a critical listen and... wow! (insert your favorite
> audiophile hyperbole here)
> The first song I listened to was "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" by
> Temptations. Right off the bat, I was blown away by the visceral
> physicality of the opening bass lick. And then the Pandora's box opened
> up -- the heavenly sounds of the strings and the never before heard
> detailed and intricate cascades by the harp. Meanwhile, two funky
> guitars with amazingly clear textures were barking from the left and
> the right channel, respectively. So many previously unheard details now
> emerged in crystal clarity.
> And when the backing vocals kicked in ("wherever he laid his hat was
> his home...") I yelled in joy! Such realism, such musicality! These
> singers are standing right there, in my right speaker, living,
> breathing.
> This mod is amazing, because it accomplishes the impossible: it
> presents the sound that is at the same time both in-your-face and laid
> back. Impossible!
> I have a SHM-CD by Sade (refurbished, repackaged Japanese remaster of
> "Diamond Life"), which offers amazing clarity and details. Still, I
> found the overall remaster to be on a bit of a harsh side with TT2.0.
> Now with TT3.0, any traces of harshness have disappeared, although the
> very aggressive over-the-top pushy sound became even more prominent.
> Only this time it's completely relaxed, unhurried, not nervous, and
> (dare I say it?) analog-like.
> I am now at a loss when I read people complaining how TT3.0 sounds
> thin, digital, with leaner bass, etc. Quite the reverse, it now sounds
> (on my system, at least), so much fuller, rounder, silkier, milky and
> with unprecedented presence. Overall, as we keep moving from one
> favorite song to another, my wife and I are consistently commenting on
> how much more realistic, musical, fuller and deeper the bass now
> sounds. Gone is all the boomines and messiness, and the only thing left
> in the deeper regions is music driven by a very tight, taut and nimble
> bass.
> To me, the silkiness of the cymbals is just one thing among many that
> is totally worthy of the price of admission. Plus, so many more
> previously undetected details. Even during the loudest passages in
> Thomas Dolby's "I Scare Myself", I can now easily follow every tiny
> little strum on the acoustic guitar. I can plainly hear the plectrum
> cascading down the steel strings even during the very loud piano and
> trombone solos. Amazing!
> Thank you a million times, Klaus!

After a few hours with the TT 3.0 I'm beginning to nail my first
Not shure if I need to write them down, since magiccarpetride already
Man are we on the same page!!
I went from factory to TT 3.0, never tried the TT 2.0 or Dynaudio's

Still flabbergasted :)

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