SBGK;676833 Wrote: 
> found some excellent pictures and description in French of CAAD's mods
> on this link

Been a long time since I did this so it is hard to recall the details.
I do happen to have a pic of my effort at U14. I went from +Vcc (pin
14) to C94 directly in order to avoid U14 altogether. Thanks for this
link/pics because I had not been able work out what caad had done at
C106 & C135. Breizheau’s pic makes it much clearer.

WARNING: The work is very fine and the chances of trashing the board is
large. Take it to someone who has the skills - it would not take much
time (and so should not be expensive). The other alternative is to send
it to a modder like Boulder. I suspect they do some other things that
would further improve it.

One tip (for those with the skills): Do not bother to disconnect the
flexi PCB from the touchscreen. The chances of damaging the connector
is high (guess how I know!). The touchscreen can be left attached and
supported by a rubber band both around it and the board while the work
is carried out.

|Filename: SBT2.JPG                                                 |

Audio Bling
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