pandasharka;678806 Wrote: 
> SBGK, Understand I'm not knocking you - you have done some great stuff
> to possibly compliment Sounchecks work. I'm slightly concerned that it
> might detract from this thread and confuse followers here. What about
> opening up a mini-me thread? Or work with Klaus behind the scene?

Really....I'm failing to see what the issue is here.  SBGK is indulging
in the time-honored tradition of "fiddling"---taking the basis of what
someone else has done and attempting to make it better.  Without folks
like him and Klaus we wouldn't have this thread, nor would there be
many other advancements in science and technology, to name a few.  If
SBGK likes how his TT and self-modded Touch front end sounds in his
system, I can't and won't argue with that, regardless of how much or
little it cost him.

SBGK is very kindly passing along his results, and opinions thereof,
for us to try.  I believe, if he's not technically "working" with
Klaus, he's certainly passing along the results of his experimentations
for Klaus to incorporate---or not as he chooses---into his next TT

Whether SBGK's tweaks sounds better to him or to you or to me is, of
course, a matter of our personal ears and the unique interactions of
each of our equipment.  I don't see that there is any sort of
"detraction" to what he's doing or posting here.  We're all free to
try, not try, keep, discard, modify, etc. what these folks are
doing---all they're bestowing on us is the opportunity to do so.  I
find it, at the very least, endearing.

If your point is that TT 3.0 is, or should be, the endpoint of trying
to make the Touch a better front end, that seems to run contrary to
much of the SB community ethos.  People like Klaus/SBGK, Erland,
Pippin, et al are all working to push the product beyond its orginal
designer's limits.  It's what keeps many of us interested and
(especially in mcr's case ;>)....) entertained.

I guess if TT 4.0 doesn't push the Touch's sonic performance beyond
what TT 3.0 does, folks can and will weigh in on that.  I suppose
someone could've made the same point about TT 1.0 and TT 2.0---in that
they seemingly had reached the limits of what could have a truly
noticeable audible effect.  But, for me, I'll definitely want to try

I understand nothing of how this stuff works and how Klaus and others
get in there and figure it out, but I hope that we can continue to
encourage the Klaus' and SBGK's to, as long as they're enjoying it,
keep contributing and not settle for "good enough".



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305. 

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.
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