TheOctavist;680322 Wrote: 
> wow, so I have implemented the p62 settings and i dont know what anyone
> else thinks but I have to say that the presentation is a bit more laid
> back, sort of a slight "pipe n slippers" leaning(but only VERY
> slightly) that took a bit of sibilance out . I have my own high res
> files of a recording(my own) done in pure blumlein at 24/96 to evaluate
> this..I really, REALLY love the sounds the SBT is making now, feeding my
> MYTEK dac. soundstage is deep and wide, and the imaging is pinpoint
> precise, easy to tell where the players are in the soundstage...just
> enough syrup to remove the "digitus". 
> I am thrilled!
> I am curious to try Guido's values, so was wondering if he had the code
> saved somewhere (like is laid out on page 62 here) so that I can just
> copy and paste.
> also..two more questions. I am going to disable the WLAN now(as the
> droid doesnt need it??). i went in and assigned the ipaddress via
> reservation on the router cfg page..wondering if any of that will
> change?
> thanks so much guys, jeesh.

Father Guido's values can be found in post 735 here:

If you've already implemented the daemon-killer (tt -k)--which I highly
recommend you do at some point, you'll have to reboot the Touch, first
(quick push on the reset button on the back), in order to be able to
SSH back into it to change to Guido's values.

Once you're back logged into the Touch, you'll need to go back to the
TT file (usr/bin/TT), change those few values in that prio section, hit
save, then when it's done saving, hit tt -rbt to implement the changes. 
Then, you'll have to log in once again if you want to implement the
daemon killer.  

As far as whether turning off the wlan will affect your droid, I'm not
completely sure as I don't know exactly how you're set up.  But, if all
your droid is doing is just communicating with whatever device you're
running LMS on (just like my iPad/iPeng combo does), turning off the
Touch's wlan won't affect it a bit.

If you get Guido's values in there, I'll be curious to hear if you
discern any difference between his and the SBGK values.



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305. 

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.
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