magiccarpetride;683550 Wrote: 
> You wrote: "Let's stop focusing on trying to improve things which can't
> be improved and focus instead on the areas where real improvements can
> be made." This means that, in your esteemed opinion, you are the final
> arbiter of all things that can't be improved as well as of all the
> areas where real improvements can be made. You insist that such
> ridiculously deluded attitude is based on facts, not on an opinion.
> Basically, you are claiming, without batting an eyelash, that you know
> everything that is knowable and that whoever doubts you has nothing
> worthwhile to contribute. Sounds like Pope Benedict to me.
> And after all that you even have the audacity to insist that you're not
> arrogant? Oh my...

You sir are a big pain in the neck. I did not say that I know
everything that is knowable and that whoever doubts me has nothing
worthwhile to contribute, rather I said that there are things that are
known and provable that it is foolish to debate these things or do you
also what to debate basic arithmetic? If someone tells me that in their
opinion 2+2=5 I can tell them with utmost certainty that they are wrong,
without being the least bit dogmatic. Many of the digital audio myths
you and others like spread are just wrong. Wrong as in not true and
very easily proven to be wrong.

In my community there are several schools which offer courses for
adults. May I suggest that you find a course in basic computer science
and enroll in it before you continue to propagate the myths you
mistakenly take for truths.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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