final update to settings

here are my mods

linear ps, meicord ethernet cable, TT3.0 all options enabled, tt -k,
SBT default priorities & buffer, hardwire coax, toslink removed,
Fidelity Audio level 1 mods, fidelizer audiophile, process lasso
priority and core affinity settings. wav files only.

the level 1 mods have really transformed the sound, it is still
difficult to believe.

Hope TT4.0 has something up it's sleeve.

fidelizer sets the priority of squeezeserver to idle, when it should be
normal and it sets the affinity to 0, not good. to get round this I have
configured process lasso so that squeezeserver has a default priority
setting of Normal and affinity setting of 1,2,3, (fidelizer sets it to
0, wtf), all other processes have affinity 0 and no default process
priority. Process lasso also has a mediaplayer classification setting,
so have set squeezeserver to have multimedia classification (has a very
nice effect)
The start up process is start pc, start fidelizer, start squeezeserver.
Process Lasso starts with the system start. then tt -k. these are the
best settings I have had. you are free to try them or castigate them as
per your whim, but i'll stand by them in any listening test.

re John Swenson's screen removal mod, which he highly recommended, I
have found that the same effect can be achieved by taking screen off
the front (but still connected to the board and swivelling it 90` so it
faces downwards, this way the emf producing part is furthest away from
the sensitive bits, does make quite a difference. shall post some
pictures in the diy section. 

to those who say digital is digital and it is perfect end to end and
these tweaks have no affect, you can try this experiment. if you have
an ethernet connected touch hold a magnet close to the ethernet cable
while the Touch is playing, now explain why there is a change in the
sound. undoubtedly the bits are getting to the Touch because it is
ethernet and yet there is a change in the sound.

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