Mnyb;684946 Wrote: 
> I think a have a piont seriusly, actually look at any hifi mag read what
> the mfg claims about the products some design considerations are clearly
> inspired of this kind of thinking for example bi-wiring or triwirng
> terminals on speakers silver speaker binding posts , you have very over
> engineered chassis as some believes in "mechanical grounding" or some
> such nonsense .
> And all the tube gear , any modern OP surpase those for small signals
> and for power amps the high distorsion and transformer coupling ? Don't
> get me started on 3w single ended triode amps with 5% thd and no ability
> to drive speakers that is usually explained away with that it is
> something " wrong " with modern multiway speakers ?
> There are also some very poorly performing solid state stuff due to
> overbelief in no feedback designs or some other obscure detail that
> preocupy the designer.
> Or early musical fidelity stuff before the current sometimes very well
> designed stuff, where crossover distorsion and high thd was on the menu
> even if it was " class A" , aha the class A myth migth have been valid
> at some piont with silicon from the 60's - 70's not as linear as todays
> trannies.
> you mean they really know thier stuff, but are complete cynics and
> designed to met target audience 
> expectations , clearly believ target audience wont regognise sq if it
> bit them in thier behind ?
> they may actually have the formal training and some design skills but
> do they really understand ?
> Just like some doctors can make it trough med shool and open practice
> but still believ in healing ?
> Or like some people both you and i know from shool that actually passed
> exams in both basic physics 
> and nature subject but still believes in strange stuff that counter
> this education ?
> i think hi end would be a lot cheaper and perform better if more
> objective thinking went in to it.
> Thats the piont, and the belief that is must be expensive to be any
> good is also most damaging.
> The high prices have other explanations too this is high risk bussiness
> what if the audiophile read the latest hifi+ and sudenly wants another
> cult object this year you must plan for this and charge for the meager
> years next time your product is the winner ?

Mnyb;684948 Wrote: 
> And what about overdesigned psu's there is god practice to overdesign
> this to some extend for stability and peak demands.
> But sometimes it seam like they really want to impress by how
> overdesigned your psu is especialy in preamps and small signal stuff
> that have psu's that could feed a small power amp.
> Here i start to wonder if the actual circuit design does not have very
> good psu noise rejection due to some other obscure design goal  in some
> cases ?
> And what about those mythical components like paperr in oil capacitors,
> or transformers wound with silver wire ?
> Sorry for the long rant, but I do actually think this kind off thinking
> creeps in to the design of many hifi components.
> It can be a very good amp/speaker/cd but some design element is clearly
> not there for any good reason.

Yes that was some rant and again I ask you calm down. Your points are
valid but you have blown them all out of proportion. Let's go through
them one at a time.

High end audio magazines are quickly becoming a joke. The on going
series on computer based music in TAS only serves to prove that these
magazines will go to any length to serve their advertisers and have no
regard for principles, scientific or otherwise. And this only the
latest in a very long list of sins, to many sins to list here. Even
with all their sins these magazines still serve a very useful function
that you only hinted at, namely they help to keep the used audio
equipment market full of great bargains as they switch from flavor of
the month to new flavor of the month.

Next you go on to trash a few of the branches that make the audio tree.
Try thinking of these branches (tube equipment, single ended triode
amps, no feedback designs, over designed power supplies, etc.) as you
would think about different genres of music. Some genres you like and
other genres you can't stand. I don't like heavy metal so I don't
listen to it. I don't like single ended triode amps so I don't own one.
If someone likes the sound of single ended triode amps so what, it's
their money and their system. let them do what they want.

Just learn to ignore the discussions about the things you don't like,
for example I don't even look at certain threads in this section of the
forum because I have no interest in them. I'm happy with the stock Touch
power supply and don't believe that a $500 linear power supply is going
to make enough of difference to be worth the money. End of discussion,
at least for me. Someone else may feel differently, so what. As I keep
repeating, it's their money.

The high prices in high end audio are part of the package. I don't like
the high prices either so I tend to buy used equipment and close outs
and have come across some really great deals over the years. To me the
game is all about getting the best sound for the money, not chasing the
latest fad.

Plus look at the bright side, Phil Leigh appears to be back which means
that another voice of reason and wisdom is here to help defend us from
the crazies.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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