Nice response MCP.  I like how you eloquently described your position
and I certainly respect anyone's decision around something as
insignificant as cable preference (compared to all the major decisions
we make in life).

However, I do differ from your opinion though. As a wine drinker
myself, I know that merlot has a different flavour from cab sauvignon.
I also know that different wineries from different parts of the world
will titillate the taste buds in different ways. Something as simple as
a pH measurement will easily show the difference - small perhaps but
within the sensory threshold of a wine drinker.

As for cables, I have done some blind & ABX testing over the years and
have yet to significantly tell a difference (mainly with interconnects
and USB cables).  Sure, maybe my equipment is not good enough or my
ears are getting old...  But for the money, I certainly have no reason
to buy one brand over another based on the sound I get. 12-guage OFC
cables for the speakers, $20 TOSLINK/coaxial/USB are good enough in
build and esthetically acceptable. In my view, expensive cables are
like buying a $10,000 1950 Chateau Pétrus because it said so on the
bottle but the liquid inside tastes *exactly* the same as a decent $100
Bordeaux. Maybe as a collector/investor who likes to see the bottle
sitting in my display case this would be cool to show off to friends.
However, if it's about the *taste* itself, surely I would rather buy
the $100 bottle and enjoy a nice family vacation in the Bahamas :-)

About the original topic of 'audio truths' or things that could make a
positive impact, I would recommend considering a good EQ unit! Recently
got a DEQ2496 to play with through the Transporter's digital loop.  Wow!
Made a world of difference in my audio room taming those bass peaks,
some of which were +15dB. The sonic difference at my listening sweet
spot has improved beyond any cables I've ever tried.

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