pandasharka;685562 Wrote: 
> Surely that's obvious. If he starts a new thread it will be a) devoid of
> content b) require followers to clad up in tupperware c) take him
> further away from reality than already. 
> SBGK clearly has the belief that he is helping Soundcheck develop
> something that will be sold for $millions back to Logitech.
> Get real. 
> If Klaus had developed the "silver software bullet" do you think he
> would be posting here still? And clearly from the feedback of some it's
> not there yet. 
> Maybe it never will be. 
> Remember, you cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear.

Dos'nt matter. SBGK's finding of default priorities along with TT 3.0
and default buffer made a big improvement over ootb TT 3.0. I believe
whoever tried the default priorities, irrespective of the their system
configuration, would silently agree. He deserves to be here in the

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