On 2 Feb 2012, at 18:33, TheLastMan wrote:

> cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
>> Automatic track division tends to be very dodgy indeed with classical -
>> the bulk of my music. I'll try VinylStudio again and see if it works
>> now, but it certainly didn't last time.
>> You are right, track breaks tend to be a lot less obvious in classical
> music.  As I stated in my post, I don't bother to record classical LPs.

Yes, you did state that, which is why I was making the point that our 
experience and requirements - and the experience and requirements in general of 
those contemplating transferring LPs to hard disc - differ.

> I try and buy an appropriate CD. With classical music I am not worried
> too much about the particular performance of a work, as long as there
> is at least one decent performance on CD. I find that most of the
> renowned historical performances are on CD anyway.
> If you are looking for obscure classical music tag data then I doubt
> you will find VinylStudio any better than before.

A huge range lies between the obvious classic recordings of great, popular 
works, (most of which have indeed been transferred) and "obscure classical 
music". What I've got is a good, comprehensive, but not exceptional, collection 
by a knowledgeable music lover, which is only occasionally abstruse, (and then, 
illuminatingly so) dating between 1960 or so and 1991. My aim is to preserve, 
in a useable digital reference archive, the integrity of that collection, 
(including that of the individual LPs, very few of which have been released in 
their original form on CD) which in itself throws a light of interest to me 
personally on the related professional field in which the collector was 

> These databases are
> very much geared up to "popular" music formats.

Yes, indeed, That's why I said that they are no use to me, and was warning that 
the same might be true for others who might be contemplating transferring 
classical LPs. Others will have different experience and requirements.

> I use my own peculiar
> and very personal tagging scheme for classical CDs which probably would
> not suit anybody else anyway.

Likewise. Re-tagging the inconsistent and even absurd offerings of CDDB so that 
they are consistent and logical enough to use with LMS in itself takes hours - 
although not as many as tagging from scratch.
>> You can transfer a 45 minute LP in 15 minutes?If I were being uncharitable, 
>> I might accuse you of wilful
> misunderstanding! I, of course, mean 15 minutes on top of the time
> needed to record the album, as I stated clearly in my previous post on
> this thread.

If I were being uncharitable, I might accuse you of wilfully failing to take 
the point I was light-heartedly making here: that your 15 minutes and my 3-4 
hours refer to different things, although that is not how it appeared in the 
way you used the figures in juxtaposition, and in opposition.
> I find that with pop/rock I can set levels adequately by sampling a
> minute or two from one or two obviously loud tracks. I have got better
> at this with practice.
>> All the stuff I'm transferring is the stuff with which you don't bother.
>> It is all acoustic. There is no way round doing it because none of it is
>> issued on CD.

> Fair enough. It is not that I don't "bother" it is more that my
> collection contains very little music that has not been released on CD.

My apologies. I misread that part of your previous post in which, on 
re-reading, you appear to be saying that you didn't bother post-processing 
classical or quiet acoustic folk music. However, you did subsequently also 
repeat in the post to which I was replying

> "As I stated in my post, I don't bother to record classical LPs."

which made me for some reason think that it meant that you don't bother to 
record classical LPs, and then to use that phrase in my reply. I am sorry if 
you found this in some way derogatory.

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