item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> The original source points out that there is no obvious technological
> mechanism by which bit-identical files might differ with respect to
> their playback - although the writer has overlooked fragmentation
> altering HD behaviour and therefore ground plane noise.
There is no logical reason to believe HD fragmentation will have
anything more than a negligible effect on ground plane noise (unless
possibly if the HD is extremely fragmented, but then the user wouldn't
need to turn on the sound in order to notice it).

item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> Displaying pixels on your monitor is not time-sensitive
Not even at 120 fps? ;)

But seriously, if you transfer video via HDMI, it is not time
sensitive, but if you transfer audio via HDMI, it is? Please explain?

item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> and a printer is not voltage-sensitive.
Actually, these statements hardly make sense. If you connect your
printer to a 10 kV line, you'll see just how voltage sensitive it is.

But seriously, the ink nozzles of most inkjet printers are voltage
controlled, and laser printers work by very accurately charging
different parts of a rotating drum. If that isn't voltage sensitive,
nothing is.

item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> A PC is largely agnostic to its playback environment: an audio system is
> not.
You're giving me no reason to believe your assertions are true. I can
give you several examples of environmental variables that a PC's
"playback" (whatever that's supposed to mean) would be sensitive to. Do
I really need to do that?

item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> You may have noticed that computers are not built with vacuum tubes so
> much these days: but for audio electronics they remain quite a good
> idea
Still, 99% of audio equipment is made without vacuum tubes. Not -that-
good an idea, in other words.

item_audio;691556 Wrote: 
> the design goals are different.
Often, yes, 'but not always'

Some products are made to get the job done as well as possible, as
cheap as possible. Others are made to be expensive and exclusive. 

And that is where the difference lies; There's no magical divide
between audio equipment and all other electronic equipment. They all
work by the same principles, and they're all sold by the same


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