evdplancke;690903 Wrote: 
> 2) fanatics of NOS DAC will benefit from hires even up to 384khz
> because the higher the fs, the flatter the sin x/x lowpass in audible
> frequency band...
> Then what about a NOS DAC without output filtering (using ear natural
> lowpass filtering): this would get rid of pre-ringing filtering
> artefacts. Combined with ultra hires, wouldn't it be close to the
> perfect sound?

There is an element of truth in it if you are determined to see a point
in NOS dacs, but it is still utterly illogical.
All you are saying is that NOS dacs will work better if oversampling
(in the sense of increasing the sample rate from the native rate of the
data being decoded) is unnecessary.
Oversampling is unnecessary if the native rate of the data is already
at the rate you would have oversampled to. 

A nos dac with data fs = 192k will presumably bahabve in the audible
band just like a 4x oversampling dac weith 44.1 data but no filter.

So now with no reconstrction filter and Fs = 192k or whatever we only
have to aorry about images at 96Khz plus. This does not remove the
problem that somw downstream electronics will still not like the spuria
at 96Khz. I am also not sure whether the combination of intermoudation
distortion and imaging which causes NOS dacs to have such a poor noise
floor at 44.1 will also affects them at fs =192 or whatver.

Anyway there is now no reason *not* to have a reconstruction filter.
(when i say reason I mean the spurous "reason" which justified nos dacs
in the first place). Even if there are audible pre-ringing artefacts at
fs=44.1 surely even an audiophile wouldn't think they existed at
fs=192k (which you will note is Bruno Putzeys point about apodising
filters) .

So at higher sampling rates the nos dac makes no sense whatsoever

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