item_audio;691670 Wrote: 
> As the OP said at the top of the thread, and others have agreed by
> commenting on the problems of subjective observation, the problem is
> usually 'our understanding'.
> If you take a good, hard look at what goes on inside a Linn DS, or a
> Naim streamer, or the Bryston, Yamaha, Auraliti, Aurender, Aune
> transports - even the Transporter - you'll notice that the folks who
> really do understand this subject have gone to great lengths to tackle
> the issues mentioned above. The solutions tend to be similar: better
> clocks, better power supplies, better shielding, better vibration
> control, lower noise, etc. Board design and construction is absolutely
> fundamental. That's the unanimous message of the leading experts in
> this domain.
> You'll notice a stark contrast between their considered approach to
> digital audio and the complacent 'bits are bits' ethos of the
> armchair-bound know-it-all.
> The best-informed designers are the first to admit there's a lot they
> don't know, and the last to discount the possibility that something
> 'interesting' may be happening that is worthy of exploration.
> Perversely, everything looks deceptively simple to those that don't
> really understand the subject. If we're honest, that's probably most of
> us.

Well, here's the thing. If you are claiming that two different pieces
of ripping software which result in bit-identical files are somehow
resulting in those files sounding different, the onus is on you to
actually show it is true. 

No amount of verbiage about power supplies, tubes, or whatever, will
get you there, nor will an argument by authority (so and so, who knows
a lot about x, thinks z, therefore q, which seems to be an argument you
are making here).

How could such a difference be explained, other than as flaws in the
testing methodology? I am quite conversant with how computer hardware
works, and have seen to date _no_ explanation of this whatsoever. 

In fact, I pointed out a couple of variables which could easily be
expected to have more influence than the choice of ripping software.

That being the case, the claims about ripping software have to be
completely discounted. 

The rest of your argument seems to be something along the lines of "we
need to have good power supplies, clocks, d/a converters, etc". Nothing
new or controversial there, and in fact nothing at all related to the
argument about whether two bit-identical files must sound the same or


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