Soulkeeper;691760 Wrote: 
> Projection is a bitch. :D
> I recognize you.
> * Tendency to build arguments exclusively from baseless assertions.
> * An impressingly high number of these assertions are easily shown to
> be factually wrong.
> * Factually wrong assertions delivered in a cocksure manner, and at an
> almost Gish gallop like rate.
> * When your wealth of factual incorrectness is pointed out, you
> consistently ignore everything.
> * All assertions seem to be based on an astonishingly self-centered
> worldview (e.g. I have a tube amp, therefore the majority of amps are
> tube amps. My subjectivity is so amazingly special that objectivity is
> defined by it.)
> * When challenged, you think an argumentum ad hominem will save you. 
> * Desperately trying to argue for LMS box variables affecting the sound
> of the SB, even though you're obviously trying to be subtle about it
> this time around.
> I put you on my ignore list before you were banned, now I'll just do
> the same with your sockpuppet. GIGO indeed. :)
> I do hope a moderator does something a little bit more effective about
> you, before spread too much pollution around, though.

I've made no 'assertions' that don't simply relay the thinking of the
R&D departments of every major manufacturer: don't shoot the messenger.
I've argued against ad hominem from the outset - the surest tell of the
troll. I've claimed no special 'subjective skills'. I departed company
from the maligned article at the top of thread by agreeing with the
pitfalls of subjectivity. And I don't own a tube amp. I've also tried
carefully to respond to every factually-based critique. I have ignored
a few personal slurs, though. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else!
What's an LMS by the way?

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